What are intramurals?
大都会社区学院体育部正在努力提供一个校内 program for you, the 英国正版365官方网站 student. We are making efforts to mold this program with 个人和团队体育活动,将允许每个学生的大都会 社区大学要积极,社交,并有乐趣与其他英国正版365官方网站学生通过 recreational play.
我们的校内项目鼓励所有学生参加有组织的活动 regardless of skill level. 活动的范围可以从一个开放的游戏格式,一个单一的 Game format, a Tournament format or a League. 英国正版365官方网站 will offer the intramurals at all 在校园里帮助架起地区和学生之间的桥梁,同时享受有趣的活动.
仅仅因为你在一个校园上课并不意味着你不能参与 an event on another campus. Ultimately, we are here for YOU!
Who is eligible to participate in intramurals?
任何目前在大都会社区注册的英国正版365官方网站学生 位于堪萨斯城地铁站点之一的学院可以参加校内活动.
Why should I participate in intramurals?
- Stay active
- 认识来自你所在校园的新朋友,也可能是来自英国正版365官方网站其他校园的新朋友
- Unwind from studying
- Learn how to play a new game or sport
- Play a sport or a game that you enjoy
- Have fun!
Registration requirements
- 所有弃权/注册必须完成,签署并提交给英国正版365官方网站的校内 亲自到办公室或扫描(正反两面)并通过电子邮件发送到校内 office to register for an event.
- Waivers will be available at the site of the event. Age requirements still apply. 弃权书可在活动现场递交,只要参加者在弃权书上签字即可 (18 years old or older). 如果参加者未满18岁,必须签署豁免书 by their parent or legal guardian before participating.
- 如果没有签署弃权书,该个人将不被允许参加.
- 任何有兴趣的学生可致电表达兴趣或提出任何有关的问题 any event.
- Campus Life and Leadership offices on each campus are available to answer questions.
如果您对注册程序,豁免要求有任何疑问, 或任何其他与校内和他们的服务有关,请联系达伦 Muckey at 816.604.2410.
Activity descriptions
- 比赛将以3对3半场或5对5全场的形式进行.
- 除非另有规定,队伍可以由男性、女性或男女混合组成.
- Call your own fouls.
- Games played to 11 or 21 points.
- 根据报名队伍的数量,锦标赛的等级可能会有所不同.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- Played in either singles or doubles format.
- 玩家们轮流向27英尺高的孔板投掷4个豆袋 away.
- 袋子落地并停留在板上算1分,袋子穿过洞 算3分,包离开棋盘算0分.
- 在这一轮中得分最多的队伍获得的分差为 score for that round. (例:如果红队在这一轮中得了6分,那么比赛结束 蓝队在回合中得分为8分,蓝队将获得2分为正 round).
- 每轮得分将被加到一个队伍的21分为止. At that point that team will be declared the winner.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- Watch video on what is cornhole
- Teams must consist of a minimum of 6 players.
- Generally, games will be played in coed format.
- 公开比赛和锦标赛的形式将根据注册人数而定.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- 游戏将在CPU, PlayStation 4或X-Box上玩,这取决于可用的系统.
- 游戏将包括体育游戏、格斗游戏和第一人称射击 games.
- 比赛可以是单人比赛,也可以是团队比赛 of a series of individual matchups.
- Number of registrants will determine the formats.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- Games will be played outside on a marked field.
- Teams will consist of a minimum of 5 players.
- 除非另有规定,参赛队可由男子和/或女子组成.
- 比赛将进行(2)20分钟的中场休息和5分钟的中场休息.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- Games will be played indoors on a marked court.
- Teams will consist of 5v5.
- 比赛将由(2)个20分钟的半场和一个5分钟的中场休息组成.
- No slide tackling.
- No goaltender.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- 比赛将在室外有标记的场地进行,或在空间允许的室内进行.
- 每队至少由7名球员组成,可由男女组合组成,除非 otherwise specified.
- Games will be played under standard kickball rules.
- Games will have a 5 inning or 50 minutes limit.
- 参与级别将决定我们是打公开赛还是锦标赛.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- 比赛将以男子或女子单打或双打形式进行.
- Games will be played to 11 or 21 (win by 2).
- 匹克球是一项有趣的运动,它结合了网球、羽毛球和乒乓球的许多元素 它在室内或室外进行,在羽毛球大小的场地上进行,并稍加修改 tennis net.
- Played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- Watch a video on how to play pickleball
- Watch a short video on how to keep score
- Games will be played outside on a marked field.
- Teams will consist of 7v7
- General soccer rules.
- 比赛将有20分钟的半场和5分钟的中场休息
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- Games will be played on a standard Ping Pong table.
- 游戏将以单人或双人的形式进行 male and/or female unless otherwise specified.
- 比赛将以11分或21分(以2分取胜)进行,采用标准乒乓球计分法 rules.
- 比赛将以公开比赛或锦标赛的形式进行.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- Played between two teams of 5-7 players.
- 在室外有标记的场地或室内的篮球场上进行的运动.
- 目标是通过将足球或飞盘移动到场地/场地中来得分 the designated end zone, bypassing only.
- No running with the ball or disc. When the ball or frisbee is caught, the player must 停下来,等队友去前场找空位传球.
- No huddles, no plays ran.
- 对方球队通过击杀或拦截来防守对方的接球 the pass. At that point, they become the offense. NO TACKLING.
- The game is played to a designated score, i.e., 15 or 21.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
- Click to view a short video
- Games will be played in a 4v4 or 6v6 format.
- 比赛将采用15或25分制,以2分取胜(即一分) 是每次发球得分还是50分钟的时间限制.
- 参与将决定他们是参加公开赛还是锦标赛.
- 除非另有说明,参赛队将由男女任意组合组成.
- All players must be current 英国正版365官方网站 students.
We want your feedback!
为了更好地满足您的活动需求,请填写以下问卷之一. Your opinions are appreciated.
Intramural/ESports Survey Intramural Event Evaluation